20% Site wide discount! We’re celebrating our first LAN event!

About Us

What we do

Our STory

Who we are

We are a crew of gaming and esports enthusiasts exploring the dynamic realm of fashion and streetwear. Our main quest is organizing top-tier esports events with the finest production, all while infusing style into every aspect. Now, our sidequest – you guessed it right – involves creating unique merchandise inspired by the gaming community and video games. Merging our passion for an exciting hobby with a desire to enter the ever-changing fashion world is what sets our brand apart. We relish the creative process and hope you’ll enjoy the final results.
Esport Tournament Organisation
Brackets, schedules, production, content, landing pages, platforms, licenses, competitors…
Live Stream Production
Being an offline, online, esports or a regular event – we will upgrade your stream production for either Youtube, Twitch or a custom live-stream platform.
Talent Management
We are the bridge between influencers and brands, making meaningful connections that drive success.
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